Revolution on the Hudson - TravelStorys

Revolution on the Hudson

Sponsored by TravelStorysGPS

  • Location: New York
  • Travel Type: Driving
  • Trip Time: 30 minutes
  • Language:

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About This Tour

Stony Point Battlefield

On this tour you will hear audio stories and sample the dramatic events of American Revolutionary War along the Hudson. 

During revolutionary era in the Hudson River Valley the local villages and farms that were here during the American Revolution experienced devastation, burned homes and crops, thievery and foraging raids from the British in the no-man’s-land that was contested by both sides.

Major events, such as the treason of General Benedict Arnold, and the capture of his British collaborator, Major John Andre happened here. But quick-thinking Patriots, as well as the forging of the cooperative alliance between the American and French, played out here as well. Which side would you have been on, or would you have tried to stay neutral as the war years dragged on?

On the tour, you will visit historic sites and learn about the role the region played in George Washington's strategy to beat the British Army in the Revolutionary War along with pivotal moments during the nearly 8-year war.

Listen to stories about sites including Fort Montgomery, Stony Point Battlefield, Captor's Monument and  to name only a few!

Tour Sponsors
This tour is presented by the members of the Historic Hudson River Towns (HHRT) with production help from TravelStorys.

Find More Tours Near Your
If you are interested in more audio tours in the region, check out the walking and biking tour of Edward Hopper's NyackWalk the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, and the walking or biking tour of Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Irvington. To find more tours wherever your travels may take visit . Every place has a story.

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About This Tour

Stony Point Battlefield

