Manchester, Vermont - TravelStorys

Manchester, Vermont

Sponsored by Manchester Historical Society

  • Location: Vermont
  • Travel Type: Walking
  • Trip Time: 1 hour
  • Language:

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About This Tour
Welcome to Manchester, Vermont. Thanks for joining us for this tour of an historic New England town, founded in 1761.

The tour will take you to many interesting places in Manchester’s three main neighborhoods: Manchester Village, Manchester Center, and Manchester Depot. You can begin the tour at any of the stops indicated on the map, but we recommend starting at the Equinox Resort, in the oldest part of Manchester.

We’re very pleased you have chosen to take our tour. The Society is run entirely by volunteers who contribute countless hours to making sure our local history is protected for future generations. We would be very grateful for your donation to help us continue this work. To learn more about the society and how you can support it, click here.

On this tour, you will learn more about the buildings, and people who used them, throughout the history of Manchester. You will learn about the church, who at one point had a pastor who had been released from indentured servitude and served at Fort Ticonderoga.

You will also see and hear the history of the Soldiers’ Monument, which was dedicated on the Fourth of July 1905 with great fanfare. Walking around the monument, you will see a bronze plaque above the Civil War shield. The names of the men who served with the 14th Vermont, Company C, and with the 5th Vermont, Company E, known as the Equinox Guards, are listed. All the names here tell a story, and descendants of a few of them still call this valley home.

Other stops on this tour include an 18th Century Farmhouse, the Mark Skinner Library, and the Burr and Burton Academy. We hope that you enjoy Manchester and learn something interesting about its history as you stroll through town.

Tour Sponsor
This audio tour is presented by the Manchester Historical Society. If you enjoyed this free tour, please consider donating here.

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Tour Excerpts

About This Tour

Soldiers' Monument

Charles Orvis Inn

