Idaho National Laboratory - TravelStorys

Idaho National Laboratory

Sponsored by Idaho National Labratory

  • Location: Idaho
  • Travel Type: Driving/Walking
  • Tour Duration: 1 hour
  • Language:

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Have you ever seen a nuclear reactor? Ever wonder how electricity is generated from nuclear energy? Satisfy your curiosity by taking this tour of Idaho National Laboratory (INL). You can safely explore these topics while listening to this audio driving tour and visiting the INL museum through a virtual museum tour.

As you drive along Highway 20 and Highway 26 through Idaho, you will see miles of high desert. Yet, within this desert landscape, is where the U.S. Department of Energy is leading the country’s nuclear energy research. Over the last 70-plus years at the Idaho National Laboratory Site, 52 nuclear reactors have been built. These reactors have developed and pushed forward the science of peaceful nuclear power for the U.S. and the world.

The world’s first usable quantity of electricity from splitting atoms occurred here at Experimental Breeder Reactor-One in 1951. America’s nuclear-propelled Navy was born here in 1953. And nuclear power plant safety standards used around the globe began here.

You can also explore the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 1 (EBR-I) Atomic Museum. The facility is a National Historic Landmark where usable electricity was first generated from nuclear energy in 1951. It’s the only place in America where you can see four nuclear reactors — including two aircraft nuclear propulsion prototypes, a reactor control room, remote handling devices for radioactive materials, radiation detection equipment, and much more.

Tour Sponsors
This tour is presented by INL. INL is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s complex of national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of the strategic goal areas of DOE: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s laboratory for nuclear energy research and development.

Find More Tours Near You
If you are interested in more audio tours in Idaho, check out Hemingway in Idaho’s High Desert and many others at Every place has a story.

Este tour también está disponible en español. Toque el botón de abajo para ver ambas versiones del recorrido. (Spanish-language tour is available)

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Tour Excerpts

About This Tour

1. Nuclear Reactors

2. Control Room

